Thursday, December 13, 2007


Today I made this Traincat! It was fabulous when I discovered that the fleece I used for him was almost exactly the same colour as a blanket on my sister's bed.

Traincats are so named because I made the very first one on an Amtrak train on the way to Montana from Washington for Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. I may have stolen a pillow from the train to use as stuffing for the original cat... maybe. Ah well. This cat here is technically a Housecat, as my sister has been so kind to tell me, but he was made with the same pattern, so I'll still call him a Traincat. He's an imitation Traincat. An iTraincat? Haha. That's the most I've accomplished today, but I think it's pretty good!

This one is a Christmas present, but I'm thinking of making some more to sell on Etsy. That could be fun.

1 comment:

cjbc said...


I am responding to the comment you left on my blog...I would suggest that you join the PDX Etsy team right away as we are always sharing info on craft fairs as well as organizing them ourselves. For more info just visit

Hope that helps! Good luck, you have cool work!